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About us - Supplement House

About us

SUPPLEMENT HOUSE is offering you a wide range of products by the brands THE NUTRITION, YAMAMOTO NUTRITION and AZGARD NUTRITION. Sales points are located in: 

  1. Big Fashion shopping mall (1st floor, next to the Post Office) 
  2. In The Capital Plaza center, st. Sheikh Zaid no. 13 

Our team is at your disposal for any questions regarding the supplementation depending on your goals. Our motto is „quality above everythingand therefore, our main goal is to provide our clients with good quality supplements, as well as with all the support needed on their way to healthy habits while also valuing their money and appreciating their trust.

The owner and founder of the company is Marko Vukotić who has been in sports for 21 years. And how did it all begin? „I have been actively working out for 21 years nowLooking back, that period has marked a number of competitions, clients and amazing experiences. As someone who is always looking for a new way to better the quality of my and my clientslives, in 2019 my spouse and I (who also lives for fitness) decided to start up a company that will be based on selling good quality supplements which is, in this day and age very important and occupies a very stable position in both fitness and sports, but also in all those circles that want better health and a better level of energy.

This established company namedSupplement House“ is doing very well as one of the best on the market. What separates them from the competition is quality above everything and the expertise of the people who run the company. We can guarantee for our products. 

Supplement House Big Fashion

Supplement Delta

Supplement House Crw

Marko Vukotic

Prof. of sports and physical education Marko Vukotić 

Marko Vukotić is a long-time representative of Montenegro in bodybuilding with number of medals won: 

  • Gold at the Balkan Championship
  • Gold at the Serbian Cup
  • Gold at the championship of Montenegro
  • 2 times participant in the world championship in Hungary and Poland

In 2021, he reaches the pinnacle of his career by winning the International Diamond Cup where, as the absolute winner in his category, he manages to achieve the Pro Elite Card – writing a beautiful page in the history of bodybuilding in Montenegro.  

He has been working very successfully as a personal and fitness trainer for more than 10 years while collaborating with many celebrities and successful athletes. 

He is the creator of the famous “Simple Lifestyle” programe, which records incredible results. 

Jovana Vukotić – Licensed consultant for nutrition and supplementation

Jovana Vukotić is a classroom teacher by profession, specializing in physical culture teaching methodology. In addition, Jovana is also a licensed nutrition and supplementation consultant, pre&post pregnancy licensed trainer and licensed functional fitness specialist. 

She has years of experience in fitness, both with children and adolescents, as well as with women. 

Her job focuses on the problem of hormonal imbalance in women, primarily work with the problem of Hashimoto’s syndrome, polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance, as well as helping people of all ages overcome obesity. 

Jovana’s favorite supplements from the Supplement House offer are: protein IsoFUJI, Ashwagandha and GLR. 

Jovana Vukotic
Marko Stijepovic

Marko Stijepović - Personal trainer and gym owner

Marko Stijepović is a personal trainer with many years of experience and the owner of a gym in Budva. He points out that his main motivation for success is satisfied clients and people he works with. 

“I am always happy to recommend Supplement House products to my clients because I am using them myself and I am very happy with their quality.” 

He particularly highlights products such as: protein IsoFUJI, preworkout THE Beast and creatine monohydrate Creamass. 

Marijana Grdinić - licensed fitness instructor

Marijana Grdinić has been a licensed fitness instructor and personal trainer for 8 years. Apart from that, she is a consultant for nutrition and supplementation. She says that her work is not just a job but her lifestyle. 

“I live for fitness because physical activity is an important part of my everyday life, as well as the healthy nutrition and supplementation. My motto in life is that nothing comes overnight, so work on yourself, be patient because consistency, work and effort always pay off!” 

Mariana’s favorites are: protein IsoFUJI and Glutamine from the Yamamamoto Nutrition brand. 

Marijana Grdinic

Ema Dobrić - fitness trainer and nutrition consultant 

Ema Dobrić is a fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, mostly focused on working with women. She started practicing fitness very early on and has spent her entire life in sports. She had her debut this year in the women’s category of the bodybuilding competition Fit Model. 

With her clients, she represents the principles of a healthy and balanced life, achieving great results and motivating girls to play sports and not be afraid of weight training. 

Her favorites are Lady PreWorkout for great training performance, Yamamoto CreaMass, and Yamamoto Bulardi for a flat stomach without bloating.

Filip Radošević - licensed fitness/bodybuilding trainer 

Filip Radošević is a licensed fitness/ bodybuilding trainer, as well as a future competitor in that sport. 

Former vice-champion and winner of many competitions both in the region and beyond in street workout disciplines (absolute pull-ups, pull-ups, dips, push-ups). 

In working with clients, in addition to functional training, he likes to insert bodybuilding exercises that primarily gave him results, as well as to his clients. 

For supplementation, his warm recommendation is the blue The Beast pre-workout 3.0, The Amino Whey Hydro (triple chocolate) and Creatin CreaMass Yamamoto.